What a moving video.
In it, 6 people with Alzheimer’s, aged 49 – 75, are interviewed about their memories. Their answers are delightful, sad and insightful.
For example, they’re asked about their first memories.
And many of them can remember back to when they were 4, 3 or even 2 years old. Interestingly, a lot of these first memories tended to focus on exploring and nature.
The blazing sun. The pouring rain and being excited about the puddles. A stream that one of them wanted to jump in.
It’s heartwarming to see their faces light up as they remember these things from many decades ago.
But then, when asked about their most recent memory, most of the people being interviewed struggled to answer.
This is not uncommon with Alzheimer’s. Those suffering from it can often remember things that happened years ago.
The memories that seem to stick around are often emotionally charged memories.
Those being interviewed can remember their first kiss (and describe the situation in some detail). And sad memories stick with them as well such as losing a parent or child. (In fact, the saddest part of the video is when one of the people with Alzheimer’s remembers her oldest daughter’s suicide.)
And while memories like these stick with them, they struggle to remember what they had for breakfast that morning. Or what they did yesterday afternoon.
Touching Alzheimer’s Stories from the Comments
There are also some very touching stories shared in the comments for this video. People sharing personal stories about their loved ones who suffer/suffered from Alzheimer’s disease.
There was the story from the woman whose great grandmother had Alzheimer’s. When they would go visit her at her memory care facility, this woman was the only one her great grandmother recognized. The girl thought she must have reminded her great grandmother of someone else.
Whatever the case, when her great grandmother saw her she (the great grandmother) would “light up like a Christmas tree and smile, laugh, talk even though nobody really understood what she was saying.” While sad, it made this girl happy to know she could make great grandma’s day.
Another commenter shared her story about being a caregiver for elderly patients. Her big takeaway from that experience was this… “What really matters in life is how you loved and who loved you. There is no regret in love, and this video shows that powerfully.”
And then there was the commenter who didn’t really know much Alzheimer’s disease. He learned about it from watching this video and others like it. And now feels like it’s “one of the most terrible things to have”.
He was so moved by the videos that he recently donated to the Alzheimer’s Association. And we ask that if this video moves you, that you consider doing the same. You can donate to the Alzheimer’s Association here.
Source: YouTube