Woodland Terrace at the Oaks

When to Put a Parent in Memory Care: The Placement Decision

When is it time to place your loved one with Alzheimer’s in a memory care facility?

When to Put a Parent Into Memory Care?

Most of the answers you get to that question have to do with your loved one’s condition. Their mental condition. Their physical condition.

What Toll Is Caring For Them Taking on You?

But part of the answer to that question has to be about you – the caregiver.

As the disease progresses, your loved one’s cognitive functioning decreases. Along with this, their dependency on others increases.

The Emotional Toll

When you’re the main caregiver, this can take a toll. Their incessant questions, their growing anxiety and their continuous confusion 24/7 can be emotionally draining on you.

The Physical Toll

And then there’s the physical toll. The physical demands of constantly helping someone in and out of bed, a chair or the tub – or having to pick them up after a fall – may get too great for you.

The Financial Toll

If you’re working full or part time while caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s, it can take a financial toll on you as well. The majority of family caregivers report having to make major changes in their work schedule. That may mean coming in late, leaving early and/or taking unscheduled time off to provide care. Even if you work for the most understanding of companies, your earnings can be impacted by all this.

The emotional, physical and financial toll all add up over time. And they lead to a point when even the most patient and compassionate family member realizes this can’t go on. That your efforts are not only impractical but, often, counterproductive.

In fact, around 60% of caregivers rate their emotional stress as either “high” or “very high”. Even more alarming is that about 40% suffer from depression.

Please Think About This…

Seeing data like this, it’s important to keep the following in mind…

Should you become incapacitated because of the care you’ve been providing your loved one, they’ll end up losing their most important resource… YOU.

Their advocate.

This is why your wellbeing is an important part of the decision of when to place your loved one in a memory care facility. Because if their condition poses a threat to your wellbeing, it’s time to at least consider long-term care.